Layout Application

Cash Honorariums

Display layouts will also be paid a standard honorarium based on square footage, ensuring that each participant receives fair compensation for their efforts. The honorarium structure that will be implemented for the Festival of Trains is as follows:

 $75.00 - Less than 50 ft.

 $100.00 - 100 ft.

$150.00 -  101 to 299 ft.

$175.00 - 300 to 499 ft.

$200.00 - 500 or more ft.

  Workshop presenters will be paid a $100.00 standard honorarium per 30min workshop.

 At Festival of Trains, we value the diverse range of talents and expertise that our participants bring to the event. We understand that each individual's situation is unique, and we strive to accommodate their needs as best as we can. Therefore, we provide the option for participants to request a non-standard honorarium, allowing them to propose a fee that aligns with their specific circumstances. While we always prioritize those who request a standard honorarium, we also consider those who opt for a non-standard honorarium, valuing their contribution to our festival.

Workshop Application